A Song of Stone and Courage (Tri-Sphere all Dwarf deck)

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Into the Pit - Easy - 1 Player - 2020-05-02
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GrittyWillis 46

I went into the Pit pretty blind having only tried it once before with a Leader/Tactic deck that didn't really work so I decided to build a Tri-Sphere all Dwarf Thematic Deck. I knew questing would be hard, but I found out it was not only VERY hard - but VERY important.

This is a very interesting quest because upfront it is BRUTAL! like everything you do or every card you flip is a kick to the nuts....at least for the first stage. the goal is too power through stage one! You have to be strategic about questing/progress tokens and as usual...a little lucky ahahhahahahaha

I was fortunate enough to get Unexpected Courage, Dwarrodelf Axe, Khazad! Khazad!, Hasty Stroke, Test of Will, and Narvi's Belt in opening hand with a Snowbourn Scout on the draw. (after a mulligan)

I think Unexpected Courage is a MUST early on. Luckily within the first 4 or 5 turns I had been able to get 2 down - 1 on Thalin (always wanna quest with him!) and 1 on Dwalin (always wanna attack to lower that threat!).

Narvi's Belt was actually useful - I put it on Gloin. I think it can go on either Spirit or Leader Because most of your cards are leader, but some of the very important ones are Spirit.....Khazad! was useful in opening hand to handle the first enemy that came down, I put Dwarrowdelf Axe on Dwalin and used Khazad! turn one to get rid of an enemy and reduce threat. You take a hit first turn on Threat because Eastern-Gate is brutal, but once you travel there you can hopefully get your whole setup going by turn 5....whats the setup?

Hopefully you get Durin's Song or Celebrian's Stone down quickly! I put Stone on Gloin to get 4 quest (5 when Faramir helps out) (I never saw a Durin's Song), quickly to quest hard. I was able to get a very important Faramir into play in the first 4 or 5 rounds coupled with Celebrian's Stone on Gloin and Unexpected Courage (on both Dwalin and Thalin) I was questing all 3 Dwarves using Faramir to get 9 quest by the end of the game! Using Unexpected Courage you always have 2 Dwarves ready for Attack/Defend. Ideally You might actually put Unexpected Courage and Citadel Plate on Gloin (wanna get those resources!), but I was forced to Citadel Plate Thalin and Unexpected Courage him, luckily it worked out quite nicely.

I got a couple of nice Gandalfs in Using Sneak Attack after getting through Khazad-Dum and moving onto the next 2 stages which allowed me to keep threat low enough to quest every turn for 9 and cruise to a Victory. I failed 2 runs before beating the first stage, but on my Third I powered through with the above combo and had smooth sailing in the 2nd and 3rd stage.

All-in-all Faramir I think is VITAL! ( he can soak damage when needed, but in late game lets you boost quest to win) Durin's Song/Celebrian's Stone with Unexpected Courage is the lifeblood of this deck. Snowbourn Scouts are super cheap and effective for those one progress tokens you need to shutdown painful locations and coupled with a Valiant Sacrifice give you much needed draw. Test of Will and hasty Stroke are actually insanely useful and needed for how nasty some of those reveals are. Thalin questing and dealing damage is always nice - it softens enemies up for Dwalin + Dwarrowdelf Axe to keep lowering threat. Finally, a timely Ghaladrims Greeting is always welcome.


May 03, 2020 dtnorris 74

looks like a fun deck, thanks for sharing! Are you limited so far to cards through to the Khazad-dum cycles? Or just picking these cards so-far due playing progression style?

May 03, 2020 GrittyWillis 46

@dtnorristhanks for the comment and question. A little of both actually. I have 1 core and khazad dum box. I also have a bunch of saga boxes but haven't opened them yet.

I'm trying to build my own decks with what I have up to what I'm playing and trying to be thematic as well. I also dont look at decks much for inspiration so as to not spoil anything for myself.

I do tend to play on easy mode and I proxy 3 or 4 cards whenever I build decks because I only have 1 core set.

May 03, 2020 dtnorris 74

makes a lot of sense. i’ve been playing a good amount of the game in a similar way!

Another question, did you find Grim Resolve (over Lure of Moria) worth the extra 2 resources?

Also if you are proxy‘ing i’d recommend upping the consistency of the deck by trying to pick what sets of 3 you really want to use. Or did you have a reason for not picking 3-sets of events?

May 03, 2020 GrittyWillis 46

@dtnorris well I dont have Lure of Moria, but I looked it up and I would absolutely grab that!

Not sure I fully get the 2nd part about sets of 3. Typically unexpected courage and celebrians stone has been in every deck so far for me. I did 3 feint for this deck as it's my first tactics deck and it just seems powerful. I also did 3 sneak attack which I think I will carry 3 of those in almost every deck as well. I try not to proxy too much because I am not actually printing cards. I set aside the card I am proxying and then just sleeve 3 random cards with a piece of paper inside that says courage or feint or stone. So I can look to the side and see the cost, effect, and sphere.because I do this I dont like having more than 3 maybe 4 cards set aside.

I only own 1 core set

May 03, 2020 dtnorris 74

yea that totally makes sense. And i hear ya on the limitations of proxying.

what i meant by mentioning the events is just that even if you include fewer different kinds of events if more of them are sets of 3 they make the deck overall more consistent.

But certainly there is a trade off between the consistency of the deck and the enjoyment of the actual cards you are playing with!