Pain & Gain Tri-Sphere Dwarf Deck Single Hand (7th Level)

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GrittyWillis 46

Built this deck as a challenge for my first ever Lore deck. I'm using Core and KD cards. It's a thematic all-dwarf deck for the Seventh Level quest of Khazad-Dum. I will plan on trying to run this deck through the entire KD quests.

It held up very well in it's first instantiation which didnt have Thalin (Gimli) and didn't have Spearmen. I added Thalin to deal with the Archer Goblins and Spearmen to finish off the easy ones that took a hit from Thalin. I would probably take Gimli over Thalin on heavier enemy quests, but Thalin is nice for softening up some weak enemies.

This Quest isn't very difficult, so it was a good practice run with the deck for harder quests.

Basic Idea: Get Plated up and Take damage with Gimli and Gloin, this allows you to deal serious damage out and build up some income. Bifur and the Lore Cards let you heal heal heal to keep Gloin going undefended once you have plate armor down.

Questing a bit slow, but with such low threat level you can use your Gandalfs for more than just lowering threat and I even was able to quest with Gandalf twice in my first game. I like Stone Bifur who also holds the Book of Marzubal and use Durin's Song and Faramir if possible to quest for 7 with JUST Bifur.

You want to get a couple Erebor Record Keepers down to quest with Gimli/Thalin & Gloin then renew them for attacks. Gimli is better this way because you are almost obligated to quest with Thalin and then you are using your first Erebor for Thalin instead of Gloin (which you don't really want to do). Ideally you want to Erebor Gloin to quest, take undefended damage (Plate Armor) as often as possible (give Bifur some resources) and then deal out damage with a Dwarrodelf Axe. Heal and repeat. Getting 2 or 3 damage down on Gimli is also an objective so you can deal out 4 or 5 damage without even the Dwarrowdelf Axe.

In this deck you forego the typical Steward of Gondor and Unexpected Courage cards for Erebor Record Keeper and Gloin Damage Income.