Heroic Hobbits with Ents & Eagles

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Heroic Hobbits with Ents & Eagles 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Severian73 20

Severian73 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Heroic Hobbits with Ents & Eagles

Trying to build the strongest Hobbit deck I can with my card pool (as of June, 2020). While Spirit Frodo is an amazing hero, this deck does fine without. Great card-draw, mostly cheap cards. Bilbo can be a great blocker with a Hobbit Cloak & Burning Brand. Merry should get dual daggers and the first Fast Hitch. Sam gets Celebrians Stone. The Steward and a Song can go on either Sam or Bilbo, depending on your needs and what comes up first. Probably the most important card in the deck? Galadriel. But I also love attacking with Merry + Treebeard, killing an enemy, and then readying Treebeard to kill something else.

I like playing this deck. It feels thematic to me, with lots of clever hobbit tricks and no humans, elves, or dwarves mucking things up.