For the Eldar

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GlorinSilvershield 1

The first deck that I was able to get some victories. Elrond helps to bring both spirit and tactics allies. Attach to him the Light of Valinor and he transforms into a potent quester and defender. I use Glorfindel for quests as well, even though he raises my threat level. Legolas is there to attack foes.


Jul 15, 2020 chumbathewumba 5

I think Warden of Healing would be better than Lore of Imladris for this deck due to Elrond's healing ability. And Vilya would be a great way to get Beorn out in to play for free. You have the stargazer so manipulating your deck to use vilya on some expensive heavy weight allies seems like it would greatly benefit your deck.

Jul 15, 2020 doomguard 2121

if you like beorn i would add 3 skinchanger. then you have multiple ways to get him cheap and/or recycle him from discard.

i can never imagine a deck where the veteran of nandurion is a good card. if you want to have more dwarfes because of the battle master, take the longbeard sentry cheaper and better defender. or the erebor guard.

Jul 16, 2020 GlorinSilvershield 1

Hey thanks for your comments! I will totally add Vilya. It's embarassing but I forgot it existed, because I had it classified within the "sphereless" stack. Also, good catch for the Warden of Healing! The way I kept him out was because I try to go for as thematic deck as possible :P

I searched for longbeard sentry or the erebor guard and they are in decks that i currently do not own (I own the core, the black riders, khazad dum and Dwarrowdelf).

I wasn't able to find skinchanger at all as a card.

Jul 16, 2020 doomguard 2121

Jul 16, 2020 GlorinSilvershield 1


Jul 16, 2020 doomguard 2121

and i asue there are better soulotions instead of the veteran, even if sentry and guard is not availaible. most times you will vilya that card in and then you can take the relatively new soldir of erebor or simply is the full list of dwarf allies: the most re better than the veteran, if you pay for it absolutely if you vilya them in, then about half of them.

if its not used and its cheaper azain: