The Steward's Fear Solo Progression (2 Cores)

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MiskatonicKnight 1

Solo progression deck for The Steward’s Fear scenario. Éowyn and Glorfindel + Light of Valinor for primary questing. Brand + Hands Upon the Bow and Hail of Stones for dealing with enemies in the staging area, especially Zealous Traitor in the late game. The Riddermark’s Finest, Lorien Guide, and Bofur assist to mitigate location lock. For managing threat from the Poisoned Counsels plot and Local Trouble treachery, The Galadhrim’s Greeting and Elfhelm are stellar cards. There is one copy of Will of the West specifically for the Up in Flames plot. If drawn, keep in hand until plot is revealed. Use Dwarven Tomb to dig out if discarded due to Flames, Pickpocket, or Lost in the City shadow effect. This deck is weak against the Unholy Alliance plot, but that is more of an issue from playing one-handed, than from anything else. If not overwhelmed by enemies or location lock early in the second quest phase, this deck can persevere to victory against this plot.


Sep 09, 2020 Guccigreek 29

A lot of the allies die from 1 damage which doesn’t go well with zealous traitor. What cards help with mitigating this?

Sep 10, 2020 doomguard 2121

hands upon the bow

Sep 12, 2020 MiskatonicKnight 1

Guccigreek, definitely a concern, which is why Brand son of Bain plus Hands Upon the Bow anchors this deck strategy. Hail of Stones also takes out Zealous Traitor. This is mentioned in the deck list description.

I was initially avoiding key allies because of the 1 hit point risk. I no longer worry about getting a late round ally wipe and then started winning with this strategy.