My First Silvans Deck

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

SchadenfreudeNE 251

I’ve started playing with Silvans and have really enjoyed their mechanics. I’ve never published a deck but for this one I wanted to get some second opinions. Here are some guidelines and thoughts I’m keeping in mind, although nothing is hard and fast:

  • I want to keep the deck at 50 cards if possible.

  • It’s intended as a solo deck, so it has to do everything at least okay.

  • I prefer thematic cards, where possible, but exceptions can be made. For example, I use Elfven King instead of Unexpected Courage. But I’m not above using Captain’s Wisdom over Elf Guide.

  • I had Galion at x3, but dropped him to x2. I think he’s great, and worry about not being able to recycle him every turn to get his 2 willpower.

  • Legolas and Henamarth are both x3 because they are essential to keeping things running. Do I have enough deck cycling in here to drop them to x2?

  • Mirror of Galadriel is obviously great, but is it worth it to add in the Silver Harps?

  • Greenwood Defender was in a prior version, but was my first cut out from the allies, as there is typically someone to chump block if needed.

  • Are there any Silvan allies I don’t have included that are essential?

  • Host if Galadrim is great, and I brought it up to x2 from x1. I could be persuaded to go to x3, x1, or x0.

Thanks for any comments!