Greenwood Defender vs The Dread Realm

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Loragorn 38

This is a Multiplayer deck to play against the Dread Realm. It uses Greenwood defender to defend every single reanimated dead on the table. Although greenwood defender he is the center piece of the entire deck, I only include him once since there is a terrible shadow in the Dread Realm that discards defending Charakters if they have copies in the discard pile. instead he is to be fetched with gather info. Therefore, it is crucial to complete it turn one, which means the other decks should bring sufficient early willpower. To have greenwood defender defend every round for 4 as often as required, it is necessary to bring him to hand and back into play again each round. For this the elven king (on celeborn) works reliably. Until you have it in play, make do with ttp, feigned voices, elf guide, or sneak him in. You can bring him into play each round via thranduil right from the get go. Steward (on thurindir for nice smoothing) and o lorien allow you to play other stuff besides the defender. The defender’s 4 defence should usually suffice against the reanimated deads’ 2 attack. The worst shadows boost by up to 3 or up to the number of sorcery attachments (so keep those in check). So only three very bad shadows in one turn can kill him. As a savety net there is rallying cry (I include it for the first time ever) and orophin (who might get shut down by one of the side quests). most difficult is probably turn one, where you need to put the defender and gather info into play. this can be done through captains wisdom or sneak attack.