Haldir/Eowyn/Galadriel Saga

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meteora612 1

Haldir Deck that I have used to complete the entire Saga Campaign in Solo, it is also pretty good against most quests but by no means a "The One" deck.

The main deck configuration was used in every Saga Quest except for The Uruk-Hai (Galadriel taken captive) and Mount Doom, where the sideboard is used to make it a Three Hunters deck.


Haldir - The focus point for the deck, providing the main combat power in the deck. Often times in solo you only need to take out one enemy per turn and with Haldir's ability this can be done without the need for a defender. Effectively representing action advantage. He is also a solid quester with 2.

Eowyn - Is a glue hero to make the deck function, provides the required sphere to get weapons for Haldir, an effective starting threat of 6 and 4. The ability can also be used to help take out boss enemies, early enemies before Haldir has a weapon or in battle quests.

Galadriel - ANother glue hero that synergises perfectly with Haldir, providing consistent card draw and threat reduction with her ability, and with Nenya 4 and an importatn second icon. Also gives access to the best readying and cancellation effects in the game (Unexpected Courage, Test of Will, Hasty Stroke)


Although this deck is primarily a Haldir sniper deck, I was a decent number of allies to help build up questing power and provide defence when something gets through Haldir. For this, Ents fit the bill perfectly, providing pretty insane stats for low cost. Additionally, your heroes are self-sufficient enough to offside the downside of ents entering exhausted.

3x Derndingle Warrior - Best defender for the deck, being able to stop a 6 enemy without dying and several ways to keep them healthy. They also have sentinel for multiplayer games, where you can let other players engage enemies, defend with Derndingle and then attack with Haldir.

3x Wandering Ent - Basic Ent ally used primarily for questing. Ideally, at least one of these can be Quickbeam, but I have kept him out to minimise number of uniques and because there is not much of a difference between them. You don't really need him to enter ready, and the 2 of the Wandering Ent makes them a better defender.

3x Wellinghall Preserver - Beefy 3 questers that can also heal your other Ents, helping you keep your Derndingle Warriors around and makes the deck quite resilient to archery. Thanks to Nenya's icon and Treebeard ally these can be fairly easy to play despite the 3 resource cost.

2x Treebeard - One of the most powerful allies in the game, being great at questing, attacking and defending. He also acts as resource acceleration and smoothing by helping pay for the other Ents. Can also be played Round 1 in most Saga quests.

2x Warden of Healing - Best Healer in the game, important in some quests to heal your heroes from Archery while your other allies come online. Also helps heal your Derndingle Warriors and can be used to quest/chump block in a pinch.


Attachments are very straight forward, just the bare minimum toys for Haldir and Galadriel, I have played around with other attachments (Black Arrow, Mirror of Galdriel, Lembas, Golden Shield to name a few), but found the other events and allies in the deck to be consistently more valuable.

3x Bow of the Galadhrim, 3x Dagger of Westernesse - Best weapons for Haldir, typically giving him +2 each for a total of 7. The daggers can also be put on Eowyn incase you need a little more punch against a boss enemy. 6 weapons ensures you can find a weapon in the early game to allow Haldir to do his thing.

3x Nenya - An important attachment for the deck, partially for the extra willpower which is important in quests were early willpower is needed. WIth a Turn 1 Nenya you can quest for 10. More importantly though is the icon which allows you to more easily play out your ents and expand your board state.

3x Unexpected Courage - First copy typically goes on Galadriel to make use of both Nenya and her Ability. If you don't yet have Nenya then put it on Haldir. All other copies also go on Haldir, to either Quest & Attack or attack multiple times, which becomes better in multiplayer where you can often single handedly clear the board of enemies each round.


The events help hold the deck together, providing card draw, cancellation and Haldir "tricks".

3x Daeron's Runes - Free card draw and deck thinning to ensure you can find the right cards early on. Can easily discard excess attachments with little loss.

3x Heed the Dream - Costs 1 resource, but a more powerful card selection effect that provides great consistency, whether it's to find a turn 1 nenya or weapon or to find a cancellation or Haldir trick later in the game.

3x Foe-Hammer - Great card draw in any weapon deck, and one of the reasons why a T1 weapon on Haldir is so important.

3x Test of Will - Provides treachery cancellation, which is critical in a deck with such a fragile hero lineup, primarily used to prevent treacheries that result in additional attacks or enemies, but obviously depends on the quest.

2x Hasty Stroke - Shadow Cancellation, handy to have to protect from additional attack treacheries which can easily result in an undefended attack and a dead hero.

3x Elrond's Counsel - Little bit of threat reduction to ensure you can avoid engagement and use Haldir's ability each turn. Can also have control progress with the additional willpower.

2x Proud Hunters - Resource acceleration to help get your Ents into play, typically provides 2 resources allowing you to play 2 allies in the following round. Some quests like Helm's Deep this card becomes insane.

2x Feint - Helps protect your heroes from attacks in the early game. Only 2 copies as they can become redundant once your allies are online.

2x Hands Upon the Bow - A great event for sniping enemies in the staging area out of sequence. Typically used to aid in questing by killing an enemy, or to take out enemies with nasty effects that trigger on engagement. Can also be used to boost Haldir's attack by 1 to sometimes one shot some tougher enemies

2x Quick Strike - Great event in the mid to late game to allow you to attack before an engaged enemy. Also great to use with Eowyn's ability to be able to take out boss enemies as this is one fo the few ways to attack out of sequence against enemies that are immune to player card effects.