
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

doomguard 2121

this is basicially designed to run the campaign with 2 other (not maximal optimized) decks. they are a mono-lore elronddeck and a monospirit. so i have to close the gaps the have. first of all, solid defense is needed. with beregond and this much courage, tacticevents, miruvor and lembas, it should be enough.

then it needs questpower and attackforce (both its allways needed). protected by beregond it can be not so durable allies, easiest way, outlands, if the spheres are given. they are.

how to get additional ressources? i decided to take erestor, so i have a good flow of cards. so arwen and love of tales and some songs are the "weapon" of choice. not only for me, the loredeck loves the love of tales too. the 6 attachement-songs help to be flexible and help beregond to get the torch (i have no torch, that is restricted, and there is no official ruling.....) the songs of healing helps to get ressources and for dire times...

drinking song not only good if the hand is crap, with love of tales its worth up to 3 resources

55 cards, yes, but in erestordecks i usually take more cards and will of the west.

i think this deck is not only good in the campaign and with this mates. its also good for solo and if the heroes are not needed, in every fellowship, that does not punish for carddraw or thin/empty deck.

mulligan for love of tales.

some notes for the planned ongoing in the campaign


take Tireless Ranger and Forewarned with beregond for the uruk-hai quest erestor should be captured and the lore-cards and will of the west removed. fill up with cheap allies and other cards to 50 (galdrim archer, max miruvor, test of will.