The King's Quest Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1192

DECK NAME - Here Be Dragons

QUEST STAGE 1: Always choose to take threat rather than add discarded location to the staging area. Use Loreagorn's ability to keep from threating out early. Be careful with "Afraid of the Dark" treachery (Athelas to discard condition). It can blank Aragorn's text box out when you need to use his ability. Sometimes it's wise to hold off on questing with Aragorn if your threat is near 50.

  • Amarthuil: Steward of Gondor (mulligan for it), 2nd Gondorian shield (+2 w SOG), Gondorian Fire (for annihilating enemies and Fire-Drake at game's end), and 3rd Unexpected Courage. Don't quest with Amarthiul. Save for defense early and for later attacks with GF.
  • Aragorn: Celebrian's Stone, Dunedain Pipe, Sword that was Broken
  • Beregond: 1x Armored Destrier, 1x Gondorian Shield, Arwen's ability, 2x UC
  • Ghan-buri-Ghan is crucial in this quest! Get him out asap.
  • Ioreth: attach Athelas for removing "Afraid of the Dark" condition from Aragorn. Went w Athelas rather than Power of Orthance because threat could be an issue and Master of Forge can't fetch events. Athelas can also go on Amarthiul.
  • Card draw - Master of the Forge (lots of attachments in deck), Ancient Mathom, Dunedain Pipe for trash, Daeron's Runes (wait until duplicate card in hand), Sneak Attack/Gandalf in a pinch.
  • Sneak attack / Gandalf - save for after you've used Aragorn's ability if possible. Threat reduction is best use.
  • Save Test of Will for Dragon's Breath treachery if possible.
  • Fierce Defense is crucial for discarding Stone-troll and Werewolves. Much better than feint in this quest. SOG on Marty makes it possible and threat is usually over 40 in this quest.