After some weeks of testing and playing this deck, finally this is the Noldor build with I've get my best results. This is not so different to other Noldor builds, but anyway I like to post it and get some feedback.
I used it to play all the quests in the LOTR Saga, and I've won all the quests (most of them at 1st attempt), and also managed to beat The Road Darkens before the Balrog shows up.
The most important card of the deck is "To the Sea, to the Sea", because it can turn all your cards into resources, you must mulligan for it. You can also keep your hand if you don't have it, but you Narya and Steward of Gondor.
Guardians of Rivendell have greatfully surprised me. At first, I just added 1 to the deck, but they proved to be an amazing defender (specially once you have Narya, cause you can assign one as a defender, use Narya to buff his Defense to 4, and then attack by 3, also, his obbligated effect can even be a benefit if you have elven-lights in your hand.