Getting Engaged with Legolas

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Box of Hats 683

This deck is designed to handle combat while being rewarded for engaging enemies. It is best suited for quests with swarms of smaller to middling enemies, and less desirable in big boss fight quests like The Three Trials. It is still capable of performing in such quests, but you might be chump blocking more or may want some Dunedain Warnings for your blockers.

The deck doesn't need both Steward of Gondor and Horn of Gondor, so one of those can go on another player's hero. These can also be flex slots if someone else is running Tactics or Leadership.

I usually drop the first Gondorian Shield on Faramir. If you see it, the second can potentially go on Mablung or you can share with another player.

The pair of Horses go on Aragorn for extra uses of his ability.

Mablung can generate three extra resources in a turn through Dunedain Hunter, a regular engagement, and Aragorn's ability. The Dunedain Hunter can lead to a turn one Steward of Gondor combined with Errand-Rider (play Errand-Rider, exhaust to move resource to Faramir, play Dunedain Hunter, ready Errand-rider, move another resource to Faramir).

The most important ally in the deck is Legolas. Combined with Faramir and Aragorn, he can draw you multiple cards in a turn, which Mablung can power out thanks to his resource acceleration. Legolas can also fire off an attack early with Hands Upon the Bow, then ready upon engagement thanks to Faramir for more card draw. Fresh Tracks can either help him to deal the last point of damage, or trap an enemy in the staging area so Aragorn can engage it after the enemy attack step has passed.

The smaller eagles are mostly fodder for a large Eagles of the Misty Mountains, but Mablung can definitely afford to pay the Winged Guardian cost each turn if you need a sentinel blocker. A buffed up Eagles of the Misty Mountains can be an alternate readying ally for Faramir if you need to deal with bigger opponents.

The deck can provide a little help in questing, as either or both of Faramir and Mablung can commit to the quest, plus Eagles of the Misty Mountains, which will just ready when you get engaged.

This deck can take out a lot of enemies, but it isn't prepared for blocking a huge quantity of attacks at once. It pairs well with decks that are capable of blocking their own attacks, but have trouble killing their enemies.

Notable exclusions include Treebeard and some Ents. These can slot in over Eagles if you aren't a fan or Fresh Tracks/Hands Upon the Bow if this package isn't necessary based on either other players or the contents of the quest. I usually leave Treebeard for other decks, since his stats and self-readying mechanic help him to fend off their attackers.


Jul 30, 2016 TipsyGamer 1

Take my like, cool deck idea! I really like the Aragorn/Faramir/Legolas combo, and Eagles on top is awesome. I'm going to sleeve this up and give it a try this weekend

Jul 30, 2016 DnT 108

I like this setup. One thing I've tried with a similar deck is dropping eagles for ents. With the DĂșnedain Hunter and Faramir you can ready an ent on the same turn you play it before questing even.

Jul 30, 2016 Box of Hats 683

I tried ents, too, and they were solid. I find building a giant Eagles of the Misty Mountains to be rewarding, personally, and the sentinel Eagle can be valuable as well. I think both options are viable.