A Man, a Dwarf, and a Bear Walk Into Ithilien

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stone_of_eric 61

I built this deck specifically for Into Ithilien, but could see it working on some other non-tech scenarios.

Heroes: Beorn - amazing for the early game Battle Questing to power straight thru to Stage 3 and avoid the siege questing of stage 2. He can also be your tank that stays ready for Stages 3 and 4 for defending/attacking. Bonus for ability to soak up any Archery. Imrahil - included mostly for the Leadership access but synergizes with the Eagles entering/leaving play. Balanced statline means you'll be committing him to the quest every single round as he can help no matter if it's normal, battle, or siege questing. Then you have eagles leave play (preferably onto EotMM) and ready him to defend or attack in Combat. Thalin - Serves 3 purposes: additional Tactics resources to pay for all the eagles, insta-kill bats, and help with all 3 types of questing with a decent statline. Sideboard for this deck could include a couple of Dwarven Axes you could throw on him to help with battle questing.

Allies: Eagles, eagles, eagles. If you draw Radagast early and can get him into play early that is a big help but not a necessity in this deck. Gandalf does his Gandalf things and can help ready Imrahil after Sneak Attack. Descendant of Thorondor is also a secondary SA target in a pinch. EotMM is your gold star ally in this deck. The high threat of this deck means that by the 4th stage you'll be siege questing, and having him pumped up by then is hugely helpful. Only other non-eagle is Defender of Rammas for siege questing.

Attachments: Just put all of them on Thalin. Steward helps pay for all the eagles and also buffs Gondorian shield to help with siege questing. Support of the Eagles is amazing as always to see come out, especially during the late push on stage 4 which will likely be siege questing (and you should have a pumped up EotMM by then).

Events: Card draw: Valiant Sacrifice (lots of characters leaving play) and Eagles are Coming. Shadow of the Past: Amazing for when Thalin insta-kills a bat. Just put it right back on top of the Encounter deck!

Drawbacks: Only drawbacks of this deck for Into Ithilien that I've seen are the high starting threat (which gets out of hand quickly in Stage 4 so better have a massive siege quest push here and hope for Gandalf), and the fact that an Eagle deck means Celador won't last long to help you, so you'll need to push through battle questing pretty hard to make it straight from Stage 1 to 3 and avoid the stage 2 siege questing. Also no healing. BUT, this deck is designed for maximum quest pushes so I've not needed it really.