The Alliance of Outlands and Gondor V1.2

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Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Alliance of Outlands and Gondor V1 2 1 2 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Aljeron 81

This is the second edit of my Mono-Leadership deck. I added some card draw with Rod of the Steward and removed Gandalf and Sneak Attack due to the contract. I would love to hear your feedback on any problems/upgrades you guys see that I missed.


Sep 08, 2021 SchadenfreudeNE 263

Hunter of Lamedon unfortunately can’t be included because he has both Gondor and Outlands traits. Perhaps sub in Warden of Healing. Also consider Lord of Morthond.

Sep 08, 2021 doomguard 2101

you need Lord of Morthond its such a great caard if you can play it, and you can. 3 times and mulligan for it.

Sep 08, 2021 Aljeron 81

The fellowship I play this with has plenty of healing. I am going to swap Hunter of Lamedon for Lord of Morthond in the next generation.