On Hobbits Storming Cobas Haven: Solo vs. Nightmare

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Spirit Pippin Goes Sailing 17 12 8 2.0
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GoblinKing 131

The whole reason I undertook the thematic journey through the nightmare version of the Grey Havens storyline was because of this deck! More accurately, because of the deck upon which this deck is based. That deck, of course, was Spirit Pippin deck built by Seastan. It has everything I could want in my theme beginning with hobbits. The opening page of the hobbit, where Bilbo mentions it was "that Gandalf" on his doorstep, the one who ran off with young hobbits to go sailing. I had to make it happen. This deck has a few improvements over Seastan's deck thanks to an improved card pool!. Instead of having 3x Good Meal and 3X The Galadrium's Greeting, we can get away with The Shirefolk. I substituted 3x A Good Harvest, which I use to pay for some of the high cost followers. Honestly, I could probably get by with just two copies and put in another follower if I wanted to. The Storming Cobas Haven scenario requires a lot of planning for each turn, which is why I like playing it. And sometimes you are going to have to plunk away at enemies for 2 or three rounds. It is really satisfying to play Shirefolk and then Weaver to cycle it back into your deck. Sneak Attack is another great target. There are games where your decision on how to use Gandalf's ability will be difficult to choose between all three options. I usually ended up going with the damage ability in order to sink pirate ships more quickly (not the flagship, which is immune to all card effects. I thought initially that the random element of choosing randomly the guarded lighthouse would be very difficult. But that turned out not to be the case. This deck can usually beat it no matter which lighthouses show up. You want to succeed at your sailing test every single round. Committing six to the sailing is a good bench mark. You may have to go with 5 on the first turn or two. Try not to use your ships in the sailing tests at all. Increase it to 7 sailers when it is comfortable to do so. My record against this nightmare quest ended up being 4-1. All of the games were more than 10 turns long. I think the longest was 17. One more quest to go in the Grey Haven story!