Caldara evolution

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Derived from
Caldara, The Undying 23 16 3 1.0
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wehehe 1125

This is the Caldara deck I'm playing right now. Rangers of Cardolan are meant to be the new Prince Imrahil which is amazing in a Caldara build (I'm playing with proxys to test the deck).

First I took the "Caldara, the undying" deck, and tuned a little to adapt it to my playstyle, but I felt that Galadriel would be better, as it provides a lot of action advantage allowing all your allies to quest without exhausting the round they enter play.

With this deck I beat "The ruins of Belegost", "The weather hills", and "Dead man's dike" without too many problems, it is just amazing how easily it clears locations in the staging area, and when it's time to fight, you have a lot of allies with 2 Attack.

I've always liked Caldara decks, but now I feel that they are a really powerful deck.


Aug 03, 2016 wehehe 1125

I still have to do some minor tweaks to the deck. Mirrors of Galadriel are a must, as they allow you to reshuffle your deck (which is needed once you recicle a Fortune or Fate with a Map of Earnil). Also, once you have 4 heroes in play (even with Caldara discarded if Prince Imrahil is in play), you have a lot of resources, so additional ways to discard Elven-lights (such as Steed of Imladris) would be appreciated.

Aug 03, 2016 wehehe 1125

Now I see that there is an error in the list. I use 3 Sword-thain and just 1 Lindir.

Aug 04, 2016 SirHamSamwitch 11

I'm really interested in trying this out and I've never gone near Caldara before. What would you look for in an opening hand? Can you give me a quick guide to how it runs?

Also, you mention you want to get Mirrors into the deck - what would you give up? A few allies?

I can't wait to give this a try - thanks!

Aug 04, 2016 wehehe 1125

Well, your desired hand will have an Emery, a Sword-thain, a Fortune or fate, and a Prince Imrahil. Mulligan always if you don't have any of them, otherwise... you should consider what can you do with the hand.

Emery is great, because you can play her for free, sending some cards to your discard pile, also, in the first turn, with Arwen's hability you can play a sword-thain to her, allowing Caldara to return 3 allies to play when she discards. Also, remember that you put her into play as an action, so you can play her at any moment as an emergency chumpblocker.

Imrahil is your best target for Caldara, as when it comes into play, immediately substitutes her as a hero. With Imrahil and Sword-thain, you can easilly have 4 heroes in play, even with Caldara discarded, this will allow you to play Map of Earnil for free, and your Pelargir Shipwrights will have 4 WP.

Glorfindel is great also, because it allows you to discard Elven-lights for more card drawing. Anyway, he could be played from the discard pile, I use to pay for him rather than putting into play with Caldara.

For combat you rely on your allies. Now Spirit have a very decent number of allies with 2 attack or more, and Galadriel allows them to quest without exhausting, and then participate in combat.

And, for the mirrors... I think you could try just to add them to the deck, you have enough card drawing to mitigate that 2 extra cards, and they are great for looking that card you need in a specific moment, even if you just want a better ally to discard before using Caldara. Shuffling your deck is also great because it will move cards you put into the bottom of it.

Aug 04, 2016 SirHamSamwitch 11

Wow. That's great! Thank you.