Bar Brawler Boffin

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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Yggdrasil 3

Folco had just arrived in Pelargir after a long day of traveling, and was looking forward to a good pint of Gondor Ale. He had met another fella from the shire who went by the name of Pippin and was to meet him at the "Leaping Fish". He had just walked to the bar and tried to get the attention of the barkeeper who overlooked him, in part due to Folco's height and because he kept trying to catch the eye of the busty barmaid, when a mighty ruckus exploded nearby. Suddenly chairs where flying and Folco decided it was a little too rich for him. As he made a dash for the exit, two men in fine armor ran along side him. One of them got smacked on his noggin' from somewhere and stumbled a few steps towards the door, where he dropped a satchel containing a good amount of paperwork, before turning to give a club wielding brute a solid kick in the groin. More out of politeness than curiosity, Folco picked up the satchel, but before he could say anything, the other man in fine armor shoved him outside rather rudely. Instinctively, Folco and the two men started running, with heavily tattooed thugs on their heels. First, they made for the market place, and then through narrow streets they raced towards the harbor. All the while, the two noble looking men were screaming orders that miraculously summoned spearmen and veteran soldiers, as much as errand boys to their cause from across the city. As the chase came to a halt and fighting ensued, Folco chucked the scroll onto the street and decided to slip away from the chaos, past an old pauper man with a long grey beard who seemed fixated on the brawl in the streets. Folco paid no heed, though he could not help noticing that as the old man turned away to resume his path, a crossbow came crashing down next to him, followed by a man leaping from a nearby roof into a trough filled with grimy water to extinguish his smoldering backside. Neither evoked any reaction from the strange old man. Folco shook his head and went to look for a place were decent shirefolk could drink a well-deserved pint.