Helm’s Deep Solo Progression - Thematic, if you squint

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redandgray 118

I wasn’t dead set on a fully thematic deck for this quest, but The King can’t Ride Out if the king isn’t there, so Theoden needed to be included one way or another. Soak archery damage with Gimli, ready him with Smileygorn, and kill things as needed (probably leaving 1 enemy in staging for 2B). Hama rounds out the thematic hero lineup - RIP.

4 turns on 2B and 2 on 3B should leave you in good shape - I’ve found 4B to be a bit of a relief once you get there, as ideally you’re not chumping much with this deck (instead relying on Winged Guardians, EotMM, etc, who should typically survive enemy attacks).

This deck worked against Road to Isengard as well but the extra planning and free beefy ally on 1B of Helm’s Deep helps the deck’s lack of resource acceleration. Hama and Book of Eldacar are good for retrieving the must-have attack-prevention events if Poisoned Councils comes up.