Experimental deck - 2 contracts - against Legacy of Feanor

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Derived from
Legacy of Feanor 1 0 5 2.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

clanegill 5

I have been tweaking a previous deck, but the idea is the same: try to relive the old partnership between Gandalf and Aragorn during the Gollum hunting days. I plan to confront Legacy of Feanor with it.

The two contracts make things difficult and encourage improvisation, although they bring a fair amount of willpower and some threat reduction.

With this kind of deck, we never know what are the cards that are going to come up, but there are two building ideas that should make things easier: the large majority of cards costs 0 or 1 (use here the "Council of the Wise" contract in order to play if possible three events per turn); and there is a majority of lore and neutral cards that can help until the deck can finally play all cards via "Thorongil", songs, or other Aragorn cards like "Celebrían's stone" or "Sword that was broken".

The main problem could be enemy attacks with only two characters. I hope to tackle this with "Strider", "Unexpected courage", some healing and other usual tricks.

There is also a good amount of card draw if you are lucky to have in hand early cards such as "Stone of Elostirion", "Peace and Thought" or "Expert Treasure-Hunter".

I am planning to play Legacy of Feanor blind, so I'm expecting to have to cope with a real challenge. Also, I hope that this can of build will make every game very different.