Bears hunt with nets

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Sechen 130

I was super excited by entangling nets, so here's a deck built to get the most out of it. Early-game, entangling nets is awesome. It's free (costing zero and drawing a card with Damrod), and it takes most enemies down so they can be safely blocked and killed by Beorn. Once a couple of turns have passed, you should start having ents on the board. Green ents mostly are for questing, Booming Ents and Treebeard help the bear handle enemies. At the first reasonable opportunity, you want to play Anborn so that you can recycle your nets and prevent any chance that you'll have to fight fairly.

This deck struggles if there are a lot of enemies who are immune to attachments (sailing quests in particular), or if you need to get a ton of willpower out quickly. That being said, it's pretty fast and can do a lot of quests solo.


Aug 31, 2016 Stoved86 407

I really like the idea of comboing Entangling Nets and Beorn. So many people seemed to like Honour Guard for its impact on our favorite bear hero and I think you are right on the money with the nets providing a similar boon. I'm glad to see the game designers breathe new life into Beorn through unconventional methods.

Sep 02, 2016 Beorn 13401

I give this deck two giant paws up!

Sep 02, 2016 Beorn 13401

I will add that you might want to consider Dori, at least as a sideboard card. He is great insurance for when the bear needs to face off with a boss enemy. Because he targets the damage and not the attacker, he can even redirect damage from an enemy which is immune to player card effects.

Sep 02, 2016 The Broken Meeple 60

I love bears so the chance to get Beorn to work is one I really want to resolve, but I've always struggled with that 1 Defence he has. This looks like good fun, get a goblin trapped in a net and then maul with a bear! Classic.

One question though, other than Honor Guard how do you keep Beorn healed up? Also why Pippin ? +1 Engagement cost doesn't sound like much - if it's just the card draw you want is there no-one better, maybe Bilbo Baggins ? Or is it just the low threat value?

Sep 02, 2016 The Broken Meeple 60

Oh wait, idiot! Immune to player effects therefore can't be healed so you have to nerf the incoming damage/fight values, I get ya now! As much as I adore this game (#3 of Top 100) and own a ton of cards, I'm still an intermediate player at my peak! :P

Sep 02, 2016 Aorakis 582

I got a similar deck that use bifur over pippin and some other changes like heed the dream, Master of the forge...

I would remove 1 anborn or even 2 and would get rid of booming for the "SentinENTs" instead, as they can take on Beorn and help to keep the bear alive.

Horn's cry is a nice card, but too expensive imo. Specially with only one tactic hero i guess i would also remove them. For that price i really much prefer having a tanky allie like rammas or sentinEnts

Have you thought about Close call ? It's really good with Beorn !

Elf-Stone would also be nice to play some allies for free as you don't have bifur to get that 3rd lore tactic easely (that's just why i picked up bifur over pippin, bifur can also receive a song of battle and there you can have 3 tactic ress. too)

Nice comp anyway, Damrod and Beorn, are two of my favorite heroes. Can't say the same for those squishy 2hp hobbits ^^

Sep 02, 2016 Sechen 130

I've played this deck a few more times and gotten a bit more used to its idiosychracies. There certainly are a few changes you could make to make it stronger.

@Beorn: Dori is a great idea! I never think to use the unique dwarves outside of dedicated dwarf decks, but he would excellent for the midgame if you ever find yourself without an ent to play.

@The Broken Meeple: I'm mostly using pippin for the low threat. A lot of games he gives no cards, sometimes a couple, but mostly he's a 2 willpower for 6 threat green hero. Mirlonde would also work find, I'd use her in a Battle quest. 2 HP doesn't actually hurt as much as usual since you're hopefully blitzing our honor guards which can help against annoying treacheries, and beorn + ents means you'll never have to worry about archery.

@Aorakis: Anborn is so much better here than normal, he's absolutely 3-of. Most traps don't recycle that fast, but in this deck you want to drop an entangling net every turn if you can, and if you have one out you'll quickly have it in the discard pile. Ambush is kind of similar, but since it costs 2 you don't always want to play it. Nothing is as satisfying as having a Haradrim elite pop into the staging area with 2 entangling nets, so that you can basically ignore the annoying extra attacks.

Horn's Cry isn't that good in this deck, I've never actually used it, but I dream of using the valor part of it and being awesome. Putting in DernDingle Warrior instead would be way better, but I live in hope of doing awesome horn's cry stuff.

I'm not wild about Close Call in this deck in solo, although it is awesome with Beorn. I find that I often fail at questing a few times before I get my ents up and running, and most games I'm ending up at roughly 50 threat. Favor of the Valar is a life-saver, I don't have much space for doomed cards.

Sep 02, 2016 Aorakis 582

yeah that's why i speak about ElfStone, coz 4 cost (plus all those big cost ents) is hard to pay i reckon, your pressure is on lore ressources, so it's hard having a "blank" turn to keep ressources for anborn. in the best case you drop an entagling and use a daeron, and maybe beorn got 2 ress. to play an ally.

But 4 cost without ressource generation is for me too expensive to put 3 of them. 2 would be ok, but 3, with also those treebeard, imo, you lose "time" somewhere in the middle.

I tried with some elfstone, it works kind of well (if you bring elfstone, think about secret path, it might help questing and get rid of that active location + elfstone faster)

for now my latest version looks like this :

(as you can see, i got some "candies" in it, azain, skinbark... but hey, got to try them out ^^)

Sep 02, 2016 Sechen 130

Man! That name alone is almost enough to make me want to use Bifur!

3 Anborns might be 1 too many, and there is a bit of a resource pinch, but I'm never sad to draw Anborn on turn 1 or 2 unless I don't have an entangling net. Stacked nets are just too great! Conversely, a game where I don't draw Anborn is a sad game where I'm basically just playing ent-swarm. I don't think I've ever run into a situation where my draw is blocked. Thanks to Ent-Moot and Damrod, I usually have way more cards to play than I can actually pay for, so excess copies of uniques don't really bother me.

For that reason though, Elfstone is definitely the next green card I'd take in the deck, possibly dropping Wingfoot. Wingfoot is basically just +2 attack in most quests, and the ents plus beorn usually handle that aspect just fine.

Sep 02, 2016 Aorakis 582

haha thanks, well, they all got some beard so... ^_^

Anborn is really good with trap, no question about that, but i think i can wait a bit, draw is really good, and i also got heed the dream that helps. You got Entmoot that help too making the deck thiner.

About Wingfoot, i only got one copy of it, and i'm not sure about it, i think i also can get rid of it. Damrod is mainly questing, and once you got some ents on board, the +2 attacks isn't really needed, specially with those nets that reduce ennemies defenses...

For what i played, Elf-stone is really good. Bringing an ent or anborn for free with really good. I'm sure you can make room for at least 2 of them and see if you found them useful or not :)

And i also have to say that Azain is a really good and funny ally ^^

One thing for sure, i'm waiting for some "interrogations" :)