A Bear, a Bodyguard, and Boromir Walk into a Bar (Solo Peril

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Twood02 55

"We'll have two Gondorian Fires," Boromir told the barkeep, indicating himself and his well armored companion.

"And you.. uh... Sir?" the proprietor asked the bear of a man who towered behind them.

"Nothing... I'm immune to player card effects," said Beorn grumpily.

This deck is designed for having fun with Peril in Pelargir solo. It is unabashedly about theme and creating fun story moments.

Beregond wiped his lips and handed his drinking horn to a squire, who looked nervously at the two thugs in front of them. Had that lowlife really just insulted the new Steward's mother? And called his brother a "green tighted sissy"?

Before the thug could get his hands up, Boromir quickly struck him in the face with his bottle. "Bring me another!" he yelled, slamming a piece of silver on the bar.

Beregond smoothly feinted the second thug, but another creep jumped at them from behind. The sweaty looking man skewered the poor squire, coins rattling from the boy's purse as the thug pulled it from his pocket.

"I need another squire!" roared Boromir, and a cheerful, naive looking boy leapt up from the back of the bar to volunteer his services.

Normally Tactics Boromir is superior to Leadership, but since this is a battle quest taking place on the streets of Gondor, the attack boost provides a worthwhile bonus. The deck is quite strict in keeping this theme.

Before long, the brawl spilled out into the streets. An eagle screeched high above and swooped down at incredible speed. Atop its back stood an elf, who unleashed a stream of arrows down into the crowd of brigands, their weapons and decks of playing cards scattering on the ground as they fell.

Alright, maybe theme isn't all that important. Bormir is the Steward and Heir of Mardil so he can quest, then collect and ready. He has lent Beregond his trusty Drinking Horn of Gondor, which will rain cash when your allies get insta-killed.

Beregond gathered their allies into a tight wall around the heavily wounded bear. He doubted they would last long. The envoy had practically paid him for the chance to fight, and the three fellows from the Outlands looked like all swagger. The other fellow looked tough enough, if a bit sketchy in his hooded cloak. He used the brief respite to don a second layer of plate mail.

A scream of four voices in perfect harmony went up, and Beregond looked up to see his forces collapse. "There is a traitor in our midst!" he yelled, taking a few swigs from the Horn.

If all goes well---be sure to mulligan repeatedly until you get Heir, Steward, Horn, and Fire---you should be able to survive the first two stages. In the third stage, you will need Faramir to show his quality. Most likely he will disappoint, and you will finally understand his father's frustration.

And of course, you better be playing on easy/sleazy mode!


Sep 18, 2016 Aorakis 582

+1 just for the Beorn Quote ! ^^

Sep 18, 2016 Twood02 55

yeah... I may have published the deck entirely to make that joke.

Any suggested improvements to the deck (or story) are welcome!

Sep 21, 2016 Freeman 3

Simply hilarious! Genius ;)