"Ranger Provisions" = Steed of the North
In a strategic sense, this deck is all about card draw without resorting to cheesy or broken mechanics. Tactically, we're looking to get action advantage on Beravor with 'Wingfoot' and 'Steed of the North' (spoiled here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2016/8/26/race-across-harad/). That way we can use her ability without also letting her stats go to waste. Steward generally goes on Amarthiul.
There hasn't been a game yet where I haven't drawn at least 80% of my deck, and in a couple games I drew it all.
Through several testing games I've found that the deck's only weakness is threat control, and I find myself using Gandalf a lot for threat reduction (which as we all know is uber-lame). I'm thinking about throwing in a couple more tactics cards, including Azain Silverbeard - not for any thematic reasons, just because he's badass. If I want to keep things more thematic, I guess I could go with Fornost Bowman, probably dropping Ranger of Cardolan, who I originally put in because I had other allies in different IRL decks.
This deck is fun and uses heroes that may not normally be found in multiplayer groups, so it can be a good deck to avoid hero conflicts. The only selfish card is Steward...
How much offensive power does this deck generate? That Fornost Bowman might be helpful in that department like you said. I was expecting to see Guardian of Arnor in the list. What are your thoughts on his value?