Orc Killers: Beorn, Gimli, Skinbark, and Sam

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Zatara 194

I created this deck because I love Gimli and Beorn and I really wanted to use the new card Vigilant Guard.

This is primarily an attack/defense deck, in fact it does almost nothing else. It is meant for multiplayer and not solo play.

Gimli is meant to have Vigilant Guard and Raiment of War attached to him. Vigilant guard allows him to take some of the damage given to Beorn over the course of a game. I have also included Honour Guard for the same purpose.

Henneth Annun Guard, a card that I have never used, is here to allow Gimli or Sam to get a defense boost in case Beorn is too close to death.

Sam was included in this fellowship to bring some card draw through King Under the Mountain, some resource generation through Tighten Our Belts, and some ally mustering through A Very Good Tale.

Treebeard is in the deck to help pay for and ready the Ents in the deck.

The final very unnecessary but fun part of the deck involves making Skinbark a hero through Sword-thain and then attaching the Dunedain Signals to him. Once this is accomplished he becomes a 7 attack killer who ignores defense when attacking an orc!

Of course Beorn has high attack power already, and once Gimli has his attachments and some damage, he attacks with serious wrath, especially if you include the possibly unnecessary Khazad! Khazad! to give him even more power.

Overall this has been a very fun and successful deck when paired with other decks that compensate for its weaknesses.


Oct 20, 2016 elrohirthehasty 1

No quick strike with all the attack power?

Oct 20, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Sam Gamgee can't take King Under the Mountain because he's not a Dwarf.

Oct 20, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Nevermind, King is for Gimli.

Oct 20, 2016 Zatara 194

Quick strike would be an excellent choice. Thank you!