Magic Elves

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

GKZhukov 99

For multiplayer include 1-3 Desperate Alliance and Haldir. Sideboard includes Blood of Numenor too, and Ethir Swordsman for multiplayer.

Strong opening questing and manipulation. Rossiel shenanigans feels both stronger and weaker in solo. Scout Ahead becomes phenomenal in some circumstances, and dealing with only one card at a time makes stuff like Burning Branded Rossiel pretty epic. Otoh you tend not to cycle through the encounter deck as much, and don't have others to cover you before you've powered Rossiel up.

Hitting power is a problem in this deck. Questing is decent and defence solid enough once set up, but you rely on your allies to get tougher enemies killed.

Gandalf is key to the deck in solo. This is the oft unused OHaUH version, and you let the threat run up and then ping it back with Loragorn. As well as 4 non-exhausting questing, he is the main hitting power, and an occasionally handy defender. With Arwen's ability you can get him out very early (if you draw him).

In multiplayer this deck isn't going to excel at any of the traditional roles, but it provides a solid 3rd or 4th deck, teching in Desperate Alliance to cure everyone's threat ills, and controlling the encounter deck to make life easier for those questing and combat decks. Test of Will and Northern Tracker help reinforce the control offered by the Rossiel suite. You could even tech in Quick Ears if you really wanted.

It can work fine in 2 player too, if the other deck has solid combat power with atleast a little Questing (e.g. Tactics with Eowyn or Caldara spams Everything). You can also tech in more questing for multiplayer if combat is covered by others. Ether Swordsman being the obvious choice. Tactics Boromir for killing stuff, with Desperate Alliance teched in for the Loragorn reset, is probably its best match for 2 player.