The Bear, the Maiden Fair, and the Damage Sponge

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

alinktothezack 295

This is a fun little deck. The name of the game is to get damage soaks out for Beorn while he gets you through the early game. Honour Guard is great, and Vigilant Guard turns Gimli into a pseudo-Honour Guard while also buffing his hit points and (eventually) damage. By the time Beorn is about to die, you can save him with Landroval. Gimli should be able to one-shot just about anything once he gets a couple Citadel Plates and a Vigilant Guard.

Use Arwen for questing and generating resources with Elven-light. You can even dump Citadel Plate to retrieve it later with Master Ironsmith.

Generate more resources or dump extras into the discard pile with the tried-and-true combo of Zigil Miner and Imladris Stargazer.

Turn Gimli into a Spirit Hero for resource smoothing. Alternatively you can try playing with Elf-friend to give resources directly to Gimli. I have found it works better to just play Song of Travel and Good Harvest.

Quests this deck has beaten (so far): Passage through Mirkwood Hunt for Gollum Into the Pit The Watcher in the Water Peril in Pelargir