Beorning solo (alep included)

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Rouxxor 1767

Here is my try to build a Beorning deck for solo, using the alep themed cards (especially Birna, Osbera and Beorn's welcome).

My idea is never to build a deck for thematic reason but for getting the most efficient possible of a synergy. That is why I have absolutely no problem using as many cards outside of the theme as I want. I sure have a little voice that make me want to use those cards that was never played before. But efficiency is my goal, as I also like to play the really hard quest (I prefer to play the challenging scenarios, either they are nightmare or just hard quests).

To use as best the Beorning cards we need many tactics cards, meaning that the tactics face of Osbera is not enough. In solo I prefer Grimbeorn over Beorn so I go for him. Having both of them in solo would not be efficient since there is not that much fight and your allies already does that well. So I choose a hero outside the theme, and since in solo multi sphere is quite good I go for spirit or leadership. It could have been Arwen or Denethor who are always great but I prefer Halfast, his willpower, low threat and his drinking song that give more chance to found a steward on turn one.

There is many cards here because they are universally great (from henamarth to pippin, angbor, quickbeam, steward, fyrial...) and I encourage you to test them in any deck if you don't play them yet. I will rather focuse on the specific mechanism of the deck.

You want to keep Osbera in her A face, the one she is staring it, to lower the threat of the staging area. Flip her on face B when you can benefit from damaging a beorning this turn and/or when it came at no cost with Beorn's welcome.

You have many beorning ally but the two that are key are beorning skin-changer and Birna. With the two of them you can bring back from the hand or discard pile at no cost Beorn, giant bear, beorning beekeeper, or beorning guardian. Once your beorning skin-changer in discard (to perform his ability for example) you can pay 1 with Birna (possibly returned by beorn's welcome) and brought him back in play. Then you wan do again his ability to bring any beorning in play. So birna will shuffling him back anyway but you will have gain a large beorning this way. In the mid game you can also make things goes faster by having a beorning pony discard cards from the top of you deck in order to found a beorning to bring back in play with the skin-changer (who himself was brought back with Birna, did you still follow? ^^).

Beorning stats made this thematic heavily combat-based, so it is not really suit up for solo but by mixing it with so many generic cards it work quite fine. I also built a multiplayer version who rely even more on beorning characters.

Thanks for your attention, see you soon!


Mar 30, 2023 Seastan 42289

Wow, a Rouxxor ALeP deck! Do my eyes deceive me? ;)

This is definitely a different take than the others I have seen, which tend to start with (MotK) Birna in order to use her as much as possible. Very interesting!

Mar 30, 2023 Rouxxor 1767

It surely have take some times but I'm finally getting on the players cards. I'm advocating for the scenario since a long time you know ^^. And now that I'm taking a step in it I'm afraid there is no turning back.

The fact I'm building separating deck for solo and multiplayer is the reason MOTK Birna would not have been that great. This deck is for solo and I need more willpower options, and I can delay some fighting-building engine For multiplayer I want to vary from Beorn of MOTK Birna depending on the ability to take in charge the fight for the other decks.

Mar 30, 2023 Seastan 42289

Yes, I did happen to know your are a big promoter of the ALeP scenarios :). But I am excited now to see your player decks! I hope there are more to come.

Mar 30, 2023 Rouxxor 1767

I do plan to. Either building new thematic or revisiting old ones even if it for just one cards (or even for none, as in research fields it is sometime useful to say that you shearch something even if nothing new come of it). I just will need times. I often thing that building will be really quick and ending spending hours thinking or writing about it ^^.