On the Hunt to Trap Gollum

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Aoshi312 107

I love making fun trap decks and thought it would be thematic for Aragorn to hunt down Gollum with a couple friends.

This deck beat all the core set quests and Shadows of Mirkwood Cycle true solo (even Escape from Dol Guldur and Return to Mirkwood)

Concept is simple.

Use Damrod to lay plenty of traps for your enemies and draw tons of cards in the process. Hunt for your attachments with Master of the Forge and return your various traps to hand with Erebor Hammersmith and Anborn as needed.

Glorfindel provides plenty of questing and attack power especially with Light of Valinor and Asfaloth at his side.

Aragorn will fight off the monstrous threat that can be added in some of these scenarios.

You have plenty of useful allies too like the Wardens for healing, Misty Mountain Journeyman for questing , Envoys to push resources to Damrod, Henamarth and Firyal to see what’s coming next, and the Miner of the Iron Hills to get rid of some really nasty attachments. Treebeard is also happy to lend a helping hand questing, defending and attacking while using some accumulated spirit resources.

You also have Wingfoot and Magic Ring to keep Aragorn in the fight after questing and Elrond’s council also helps with your threat and Test of will is available for the truly nasty treacheries.

I had a ton of fun playing through all the quests. I beat Escape from Dol Guldur with captured Aragorn since his ability only matters later in the game. Good luck!