QotW Thematic Campaign: Aragorn, Haldir, MOTK Haleth

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DunedainStrider 30

Thematic QotW campaign deck, reworked from my initial version that included Gandalf instead of Haldir. I miss Gandalf, but he was too expensive to duck the Hill Troll in Journey Along the Anduin.

Aragorn gets Rune-Master to start. His innate ability allows us to ready Rune-Master and play up to two 1-cost signals ‘for free’ each turn. Playing signals on other heroes becomes a way to move resources around. Haldir is our attacker and he gets Dunedain Mark. Aragorn is our defender and gets Defender of Lorien and Dunedain Warning. Haleth quests and gets Strider and Celebrian’s Stone. Dunedain Remedy actually turns into resource generation for us with Rune-Master and each time it is moved to another hero it pays for itself.

Journey Along the Anduin: mulligan for A Lesson in Caution or Noiseless Movement. We need a couple of rounds to build up before we can take the Hill Troll.

I tried to go without Steward of Gondor but the deck is really slow to start without it. I could have included Song of Kings for Leadership resource smoothing but SoG is also a title which is synergistic.

Critiques welcome!


Jun 08, 2024 Birdman137 118

I like the theme of this one! I might have to give it a spin.

Jun 09, 2024 DunedainStrider 30

I hope you enjoy it!