Date Night 1: The Lord and Lady of Ithilien

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Date Night Part 1: The Lord and Lady of Ithilien 0 0 2 1.0
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Ipswatch 530

Date Night Part 1

Looking over my collection of decks on ringsdb, I have found a sever lack of At the End of All Things decks. This contract allows for two heroes to become supercharged with a few limitations, mainly that they cannot be healed until round four of the game, and they cannot rely on attachments for resource generation. These limitations, along with an absence of obvious combinations that lean into a pre-existing meta deck has lead to this being the least utilized contract not just of my decks, but of all contract decks on ringsdb, with the exception of Riddle-game, the newest contract.

With that being the case, I have decided to try my hand diving into this contract and am attempting to make a fellowship of decks that highlight the power of love in middle earth. There are actually six couples in Middle Earth that can be played in a two hero deck, so I can mix and match!

Interesting Things About This Deck

  1. Great Yew Bow and Faramir - Faramir is one of my favorite characters in lord of the rings, but I find I rarely use him in the lcg. This deck seeks to keep as many characters as possible in the center of the table to boost Faramir's attack, and then use Great Yew Bow or his Ranged ability to drop them.

2.Proud Hunters - At the End of All Things prevents gaining resources from attachment cards, but Proud Hunters can help make that less painful. This deck overall is low cost cards, and once you down an enemy or two with Proud hunters in play, it should be just fine.

  1. Attachments - Gleowine and Master of the Forge make sure this deck has the attachments and traps it needs to get humming. Card draw is one of this decks strengths once those are down, and then Protector of Lorien can be used if necessary.

  2. The Flip - at the start of turn 4, all At the End of All Things decks flip, give both heroes 3 resources, and let you grab any two cards from the deck that you need. I usually use this to get Faramir the Warrior keyword, and to get him Anduril if he doesn't have it already. This gets him up to a very respectable 4/4/4 stat line.

Pairs Well With: These decks are made to be a fellowship of couples, so it is worth considering which other couples would compliment them. While this deck can quest fairly robustly early on (10 WP turn one), it doesn't scale upwards from there to get too high. Since that is the case, this deck pairs well with a higher questing couple like Aragorn/Arwyn or Tom/Goldberry.