Fight for me please.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Fight for me please. 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
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Discard Pile

chemiqs 1

chemiqs has a newer deck inspired by this one: Fight for me please.

tl;dr: A new player who wanted his first brew to be a "cardslinger support"

I got the following expansions (Hero & campaign): Dream-chaser, angmar awakened and the fellowship of the ring.

I am very new to the game and play in coop with my friends. We're currently at the escape from Dol Guldur and try to beat it with the starter decks. Afterwards, we're going to the deckbuilding-part and my goal is to make a "cardslinger support // quester" with my current collection. The Sideboard are things I consider as "maybes" so don't take the number for granted - it's just so I don't loose track of what might be cool in this deck.

As stated, I am new and this is my first deck, but in general the goal is to avoid fighting and focus on questing // supporting via some splashed in threat reduction as well as healing. I took 2 examples of the most cards due to the fact that we're drawing like crazy. Gather Information seems borderline broken to me - allowing 3-4 players to tutor for a 4-point quest is blowing my mind currently. :D

Since I don't know wether my deck will be emtpy before the later scenarios are finished, I decided for 1 Lords of the Eldar, just in Order for being able to do at least something once my deck is empty.