AEG 1st Try Beginner

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Derived from
CORE Tutorial Deck (Questing) - LOTR LCG Progression Series 25 18 0 1.0
Inspiration for
AEG 1st Try Beginner 2 1 0 1.0
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LordStark 32

LordStark has a newer deck inspired by this one: AEG 1st Try Beginner

My first deck in this Game.

Tell me how i can optimize this one :)

Good Game !


Jun 05, 2017 The White Wizard 536

You've got a lot of expensive allies in this. How about Vilya and Imladris Stargazer?

Jun 05, 2017 LordStark 32

Sure ! Instead of ?

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

I would probably get rid of The Favor of the Lady, Valiant Sacrifice, Guard of the Citadel, Snowbourn Scout, and Ever Vigilant. This way you could add three Copies of Vilya and Stargazer, three copies of Sword that was Broken, an additional copy of Celebrian's Stone, and three copies of Daeron's Runes. I know that's more than I originally suggested, but I thought about it more last night and came to that conclusion. Hope it helps. Welcome to the RingsDB community! We're the best gaming community out there.

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

Thanks for your help ! What about a Burning Brand ? Would be great on Elrond ?

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

Are the Wandering Took useful ?

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

A Burning Brand would be awesome! I totally forgot about that. Wandering Took used to be good because he was part of a broken combo involving Song of Earendil. However, he is not good outside of that because his stats aren't that good. In this deck though I could see leaving him in because it looks like you need the willpower. :) Have you played this deck against anything yet?

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

Burning Brand instead of ? Idk I did'nt played it. I'm very new and i played only the core set Quest. Do you suggest me something ? Idk what to do... I got from the core set to Shadow and Flame

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

I'm not sure what would be good to take out to make room for A Burning Brand. I would evaluate all the cards in your deck after playing it a few times and decide what the weakest card is. I would recommend playing Into the Pit. It's a nice well rounded quest that has you questing hard at the beginning then shifts into more of a combat focus and ends with a straight up quest rush where you don't gain any resources at the beginning of the resource phase. Journey Down the Anduin is of course a classic.

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

It's impressive that you are attempting a three sphere deck. Not many new players do that. I prefer them myself.

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

I felt in love with Glorfindel and I really wanted to play him. Do you have any idea of a Main Glorfindel Deck. Building is very hard. I play on OCTGN coz i don't want to buy many CoreSet. It's quite difficult to make a good deck in early game...

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Try Glorfindel with Lore Aragorn and Prince Imrahil. Add in all the cheap power cards you can get and you are all set. Gandalf is a good choice in this deck.

Jun 06, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Or try Lore Aragorn with Glorfindel and Frodo. That one is really powerful as well.

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

Frodo ? Why is he powerful i don't get it... Sorry i'm just a beginner..

Jun 06, 2017 LordStark 32

Cheap power cards like ?

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Frodo is good because he allows you to quest hard out of the gate knowing that you can just take any enemies' attacks as threat. Add in Aragorn, who resets your threat, and you can take any attacks you weren't expecting in stride. Cheap power cards like Daeron's Runes, Asfaloth, Unexpected Courage, A Test of Will, Elrond's Counsel, etc. Anything that gets you value at a low cost. Think Arc Lightning in MtG.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

3 copies for each cards ?

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

MtG ?

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

And an other question : How do you choose to put 1, 2 or 3 cards in a deck ? How do you count Unique Character in the total count ?

Here is my 1st try :

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Three copies is pretty standard if you want the deck to be consistent. MtG=Magic the Gathering, the first CCG. I usually judge how many copies of a particular card I want using these questions: 1. Is the card essential for my deck to function? Does it enable a combo? 2. If it is not essential, how quickly do I need it? 3. How much does it cost? Is it unique? What do you mean by counting unique characters?

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Do you think like you just explain with unique cards ?

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

I try to not use too many unique cards unless I really need them. Unique cards tend to be very powerful though so you usually want a few. The problem though is that if you stick three copies of every unique in your deck, playing one copy means the other copies are just clogging your hand and deck. The trick is to find a balance. I usually go for three copies of about 3 unique cards. The right balance can really only be found through playing though. Every deck is different. I tend to play very fast and aggressive decks that are as efficient as possible so I don't like my hand and deck to be clogged.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

It's really interesting to learn with someone like you ! Really ! Do you play on OCTGN ? :)

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Unfortunately I do not. Thanks for the compliment! It's always fun to help a beginner because I remember when I was. I'm still learning things myself though. :)

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

You're not interested of it ? Coz playing with you would help me to understand things i can't learn myself

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

I would love to but unfortunately I do not have the money. Is there a free, no subscription version?

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

If you're interested, I could help you build decks on here. I could try to build you one if you want.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Some things request you to be Premium but it's free to play of course !

It would be awesome to learn with you :) deckbulding is so interesting !!

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

I'll have to check that out! If I end up getting it I'll drop you a comment! Try this out:

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Just ask me i can help you to set up it :) IDK where we can tchat easier

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

I can help you to set it up How can we tchat better ? Could be easier haha

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Where do you download it? I'm using a Mac.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

There :

It'll ask you if you use a MAC

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Thanks again for the link!

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Telle me if you want to play ! :)

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Will do!

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Would be so nice :)

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Hopefully I'll get permission to download it this week. I'm kind of busy so you might not hear from me for a bit.

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

But yeah, it would be really fun! Looking forward to hopefully collaborating with you!

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

OCTGN allows you access to all the cards right?

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

You can download all your deck in ringsdb and have them in your game :)

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

But yeah you can build what do you want all the cards are here :)

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536


Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

This deck is number three on the Hot Topics page by the way.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Hahaha it's kind of sh*t coz this deck sucks

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Have you played it yet? I noticed you have a new version up.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

I'll now !

Jun 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Do you have a link to download Wine? OCTGN won't run on Mac without it.

Jun 07, 2017 LordStark 32

Maybe here :