The Shipwright and The Dwarf

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Jreilly89 419

Second try at the Council of the Wise Secrecy deck! First pairing was okay. but I didn't realize that the Threat Reduction is only once per round. So now we're picking a different hero pairing. Cirdan is still decen for his massive willpower and card draw, but I wanted someone closer to Secrecy threat, so at least 10 or lower.

Here comes Gloin! A decent all around hero, some built in resource genereation, and a starting threat of only 9! Plus his Dwarf trait lets us access some good cards.

This deck is largely similar to the first, with Narvi's Belt and Ringmail subbed out for some Aragorn only attachments.

We Are Not Idle is easy card draw for a 0 cost event and some more resources if we have a few Dwarves to exhaust.

I also added Galadhrim's Greetings for some threat reduction in case we start getting out of Secrecy range.

This deck definitely needs some tuning, but for a second pass it's worthy of running through a quest.