The Sandmen: Heroes of Harad

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

orcstalker 36

This deck has beaten the first six Sands of Harad quests, three from the boxed set and the first three of the AP's. Try for Steward of Gondor & Strider in the opening hand to get through early questing, particularly when your heroes are held in The Long Arm of Mordor. Load up Amarthiul with Dunedain Warnings to buff him to 5 , pass around the Dunedain Remedy, and hope for a Celebrian's Stone or the Sword that was Broken to buff Aragorn into a quest demon. The Sneak Attack/Gandalf combo is always a bonus, but using that combo with Galadriel also helps in deck management. Ranger of Cardolan and Feint are great for handling enemy overloads. A good solo deck for taking on all that the desert has to offer. Sideboard included: Anborn, Guardian of Arnor, Dunedain Mark, Path of Need, Tighten Our Belts, and Gather Information (although a lot of side questing was not used in these scenarios due to the need for speed).