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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Magumba 35

Another deck from my 20 minute deckbuild challenge, though this one only took about 8 minutes to put together.

Card draw is provided mostly by Lord of Morthond and, of all cards, Hunter of Lamedon. Rod of the Steward is included to help out in a pinch, though most of your resources should be going to dumping allies into the swarm. Erestor is included to help utilize the extra copies of attachments as card draw once one copy is in play.

Steward of Gondor should go on Kahliel or Hirluin. If you need help in the early game, I recommend Kahliel for the big Harad allies, but Hirluin is probably the better target in the long run. Errand-rider provides resource smoothing to take advantage of Hirluin's and Kahliel's multi-sphere payment abilities, though beware of treacheries that damage exhausted allies--it may be worth holding off on Errand-Rider's ability until after the combat phase. Aside from Erestor, Errand-rider is the only ally that cannot be retrieved from the discard pile.

Hunter of Lamedon actually has some utility here beyond boosts from the Outlands traits. You can use him to draw Outlands cards safely since Kahliel can shuffle any discarded Harad characters back into your deck, while there are multiple copies of attachments. The only real risk is accidentally losing an Errand-Rider or Haradrim Spear this way. Additionally, chump-blocking with him is an excellent way to take advantage of Prince Imrahil's readying ability.