The Ranger, The Shieldmaiden, and the Chaperone

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Mr. Meson 75

This is my take on a Lore Faramir deck. This is not meant to be a power deck, but more of a fun, theme deck.

It's taken me a while to figure out how to properly use him. With his ability leaving enemies in the staging area, threat piles up. He therefore needed to be paired with Spirit for questing, but also needed access to tactics for attacking shenanigans.

Eowyn was a clear, thematic choice. Not only does she have descent willpower and access to tactics, but a good, low-starting threat. This allows for you to have more power in engaging enemies on your terms.

So we have questing and attacking, we turn to defense. Access to tactics gives us some options to boost defense. I personally like Fastred in this deck, because he engages an enemy then pushes it back, reduces your threat by 2, and Faramir still gets the bonus attack.

In your opening hand, you are primarily looking for Ranger Spikes, with Dunedain Hunter/Pathfinder and Raiment of War as added bonuses. Master of the Forge is also good for finding your attachments.

One Unexpected Courage goes on Faramir, and any of the other two you draw go on Fastred. Use Eowyn's ability when taking down the boss enemy for a quest.

You want to get the Ranger Spikes out ASAP. If you spear any 2 threat enemies with these, then they don't contribute any threat in the staging area AND the give Faramir an attack bonus. Proud Hunters is key for resource acceleration. Use the Escort from Edoras only when necessary.

This deck takes a bit of patience. Proud Hunters was the only card that I could find would work well for generating resources. The resource generation can be a bit slow, so if anyone has any good resource generation suggestions (aside from Steward and Resourceful), I am eager to hear about them.

I've taken this against The Ford of Isen and The Antlered Crown and beaten both of them. I had one loss against the Antlered Crown before coming back and beating it.