Free Races of Middle-earth: Rohan

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Free Races of Middle-earth: Rohan 3 4 0 1.0
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Rouxxor 1767

I decide to rebuild more thematic version of my tribal decks, based on the rules of the Free Races of Middle-earth of the Lure of Middle-Earth event:

For Rohan there is very few changes. I add some allies to replace the few that were not rohan (Arwen and envoy of pelargir).

The core of the deck stay the same: you want Eomund and Guthwine in play so you can, each turn, send everyone except Eomund questing, then trash blocking with Eomund, ready all the rohan and make some others blocks and kill all the enemies. With some resource generation (and diminution with Theoden), threat reduction and counter you have ALL, but you usually don't fight well on the first two turns.

Changelog: After another view of the rules I can play Heir of Mardil. It is not useful in main deck because you can already ready all your character but it can be great for others players (in particular with theodred effect).