Frodo - Ultimate Sage Scenario Game Deck

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Card draw simulator
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Nerdmeetsyou 81

This deck was made for the Ultimate Mini Sage Scenario Game at the "Lure of Middle-earth" convention. Read more about the rules here:


Mar 04, 2018 Rouxxor 1817

I definitely want to play a double back. It is to me the best side quest. I play it in every multiplayer spirit deck I made. Probably also because I play a lot of doomed cards, but it would anyway fit very well in a side quest deck.

Actually I think you play way too much 3-cost ally. And not a single one resource production. And some don't even fit well in your thematic (Rhovanion Outrider, Saruman). I'm not a big fan of flight to the sea.

What you could do? You could include a secrecy package. It is about playing 3 wandering took (so with him or elrond counsel you can reach secrecy turn one), 3 Resourceful, 3 Ithilien Lookout, 3 Celduin Traveler, and I recommend to also play 2 bilbo baggins + 3 hobbit pipe and 3 galadhrim greetings. It will obviously push a lot of your deck out (20) but it you probably need the full package to work together. In fact secrecy work pretty well with Frodo ability since you can pay the threat you want to reduce anyway to draw with pipe to block.

Or you can go deeply in Noldor with some to the sea, to the sea and elven light. It will fit well with mirror of galadriel and you can include some of the best noldor allies (Arwen, Gildor, Glorfindel, Galdor) but be careful to side them out when friends of you also play them ^^. I will recommend you to play deep knowledge who are universally good, but especially more in a deck where cards draw can became resources ^^.

No matter if you want or not one of this two strong theme (with precious theme cards who give resource and the efficiency who came along) you may find good replacement to the cards I name at first with, for example, a third hasty stroke, Legacy Blade for friends, arwen ally who is always great (but will never be playable since the hero is one of the best hero of the game), Thrór's Map, unexpected courage.

I hope this can help you :)

Mar 12, 2018 stokesbook 3078

@NerdmeetsyouI'm curious to try the mini-saga event but can't work out how they handled the rules to play Breaking of the Fellowship with 9 players? Did they have a rules sheet/handout to cover the setup at the event that you could share? Thanks

Mar 12, 2018 Rouxxor 1817

The rules was kept secret until the event. I will ask about them now :).

Mar 16, 2018 Nerdmeetsyou 81

Someone actually wrote quiet a nice rundown here: