Gandalf's and Pipping great adventure.

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Gandalf's and Pippin great adventure. 1 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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carlosm88 67

carlosm88 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Gandalf's and Pippin great adventure.

As I test this deck I will be adding a longer description. I've always wanted to build a working Gandalf secrecy deck, this I believe is the closest I've come to. The idea is to use timely aid to get strong characters out early game, and with stride have a strong early game position. By the later game, I will change to trying to get as many allies on the board, particulary with the strong combination of Flame of Anor and Ered Luin Miner, that makes gandalf a 6 attacker and gets a chum block into play.

Cards I'm currently unsure about: Ioreth, with Gandalf ability she can work as card draw, but early game she is a detriment to strider. She can't block, so i couldn't get rid of her if I wished. Cram: The card works as card draw with gandalf also, but is also occupying space better cards could.

Any opinions welcomed.