Waaaaaaaaay Too Attached Dunedain

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Attachmagorn and Company 2 0 0 4.0
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Twelvesmallsquares 175

Twelvesmallsquares has a newer deck inspired by this one: Attachmagorn and Company

Here is a deck I have been tweaking over the past few weeks and am quite happy with how it is working.

Aragorn is the main player here and most of the attachments go on him. The main combo is Steward of Gondor with Heir of Mardil. Hang off firing Steward until the combat phase, then if you need to ready Aragorn exhaust Steward, get your resources, then use Heir of Mardil. Roheryn also allows some readying if you optionally engage, plus it lets you get the jump on an incoming enemy. Steed of the North also lets you ready, plus any spares can be used on Halbarad/Thurindir for bonus readying. Also thrown in is Celebrian's Stone, Ring of Barahir and Sword That Was Broken for bonus willpower.

On the side Thaurdir has a little work to do. Choose Gather Information as the side quest for your opening hand. Blast through it as quickly as you can and then you can pick a card from your deck. Ioreth is a good choice if you haven't been able to get your defence setup yet. Failing that Send For Aid can go into your hand, ready for questing through and allowing you to play an ally from your deck for free. Legacy Blade will let him get +2 once you have side quested, and his passive ability will net you +2 too. Wingfoot goes onto him so you can quest and attack as and when you need to.

As there are a lot of attachments to go through I have included 3 copies of Daeron's Runes and 3 Masters of the Forge to plough through your deck. No excuses! I expect you to see the table below your deck before the end of the game!

As for allies I have included a mix of Dunedain. Ranger of Cardolan is handy in a pinch, or you can pay the full cost to get him permanently on the table. Andrath Guardsman can stop an enemy attacking when the need arises, Eldahir is handy for previewing shadow cards and getting a defence boost, Guardian of Arnor is also good for defending if enemies build up, and Vigilant Dunadan will never exhaust to defend because you have got a side quest in the victory display haven't you. HAVEN'T YOU! Plus he has decent attack which is always nice. Lastly Ioreth is in there for healing. I have't used her much so thought I would give her a try because sometimes I get tired of looking at Warden of Healing's face.

The events are all focused on defence and readying, helping to clear to board if the enemies start to pile up.

Have fun and be safe out there!


Jul 04, 2018 Valdemart 1

Wanted to mention that 'Roheryn also allows some readying' might be incorrect. Roheryn requires the hero to be ready otherwise the Response can't be used. You need to ready by another means first.

Do you find the willpower sufficient? It seems that besides the Guardsmen you have no questing allies as everyone else will be occupied with combat. With so many attachments and double Leadership Galadriel will pull double duty on the rounds you need some extra questing.

Just noticed Taste it Again! - with no threat reduction does it fire often enough?

Jul 04, 2018 Twelvesmallsquares 175

@Valdemart Quite right about Roheryn, I will edit the text. If you can get Aragorn setup , and enemy engaged and Thaurdir's side quests in the victory display you can quest for a decent amount with ust your heroes. Sword That Was Broken is superb for adding that bit extra once your board state is allied up.

For Taste It Again I included it for mainly the first few rounds where you are still getting setup. You're quite right though, it doesn't trigger in mid to late rounds. I may reduce the copies and add Armored Destrier into the deck, along with some different events.