One Turn Deck (2/2)

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Combo deck: Beat any Quest on the First Turn (2/2) 2 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AndreDuval 9

Derived also from

See for extra explanation:

First of all, I want say thanks to Seastan, Beorn and Rouxxor. This is only a smoothing of their decks.

This is a little explanation of the Infinite Resources Loop

To enable the first loop, we need to be the following situation:

  • An empty deck
  • 5 Heroes Dwarves (Fili with Sword-thain and Dain from first player deck with Desperate Alliance)
  • Each Dwarves must have a song on him
  • Gléowine with Elf-friend and To the Sea, To the Sea! on him
  • Galadhrin Weaver in play and Island Amid Perils in hand
  • Tome of Atanatar in hand
  • Second Breakfast, We Are Not Idle and Burst into Song in our discard pile
  • 1 Resource

This combo breaks down into 15 steps:

  1. Play Tome of Atanatar [Cost: 0 resources, remaining: 1, deck is empty, hand is empty]
  2. Use Tome of Atanatar, discarding it, choosing Second Breakfast from the discard. The Tome of Atanatar is now back in your hand while Second Breakfast is at the bottom of your deck (which is also the top because the deck is empty) as per the effect of Tome of Atanatar. [Cost: 1 resource, remaining: 0, deck: Second Breakfast, hand: Tome of Atanatar]
  3. Play Tome of Atanatar [Cost: 0 resources, remaining: 0, deck: Second Breakfast, hand is empty]
  4. Use Tome of Atanatar, discarding it, choosing We Are Not Idle from the discard. Exhaust 5 Dwarves to generate 5 resources on a hero and draw a card (which will be Second Breakfast) [cost: 0 resources, remaining: 5, deck: We Are Not Idle, hand: Second Breakfast]
  5. Play Second Breakfast that bring back Tome of Atanatar [cost: 1 resource, remaining: 4, deck: We Are Not Idle, hand: Tome of Atanatar]
  6. Play Tome of Atanatar [cost: 0 resources, remaining: 4, deck: We Are Not Idle, hand is empty]
  7. Use Tome of Atanatar, discarding it, choosing Second Breakfast from the discard. He bring back Tome of Atanatar, again. [Cost: 1 resource, remaining: 3]
  8. Play Tome of Atanatar [cost: 0 resources, remaining: 3, deck: We Are Not Idle and Second Breakfast, hand is empty]
  9. Use Tome of Atanatar, discarding it, choosing Burst into Song [cost: 2 resources, remaining: 1, deck: We Are Not Idle and Second Breakfast and Burst into Song, hand is empty]
  10. Use Gléowine to draw We Are Not Idle [cost: 0 resources, remaining: 1, deck: Second Breakfast and Burst into Song, hand: We Are Not Idle]
  11. Play We Are Not Idle and exhaust 5 Dwarves to generate 5 resources on a Hero and draw a card (which will be Second Breakfast) [cost: 0 resources, remaining: 6, deck: Burst into Song, hand: Second Breakfast]
  12. Use Island Amid Perils to draw in hand Galadhrim Weaver [cost: 0 resource, remaining: 6, deck: Burst into Song, hand: Second Breakfast]
  13. Use Galadhrim Weaver to get back Island Amid Perils and to draw Lure of Moria [cost: 1 resource, remaining: 5, deck is empty, hand: Second Breakfast and Burst into Song]
  14. Play Burst into Song [Cost: 2 resources, remaining: 3, deck is empty, hand: Second Breakfast]
  15. Play Second Breakfast on Tome of Atanatar [cost: 1 resource, remaining: 2, deck is empty, hand: Tome of Atanatar]

We are back at the initial state of the loop with one critical different: 2 resources remaining instead of 1. We can repeat this process one million times on each hero so we have enough resources for the rest of our actions.


Jul 22, 2018 Seastan 43214

The use of Gleowine and To the Sea is really clever but unfortunately Burst into Song only readies heroes with Song attachments.

Jul 24, 2018 AndreDuval 9

@Seastan, thanks a lot for the comment! You are right, I'll revise the decks to use another draw strategy