Doomed and Trumpeted

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
Doomed and Trumpeted 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Doomed and Trumpeted 12 8 3 3.0
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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BeestThouNotInHaste 235

BeestThouNotInHaste has a newer deck inspired by this one: Doomed and Trumpeted

This is my favorite solo deck to use. It can most of my solo-playable quests (untested against Journey Down the Anduin; protip: threat raising against the Hill Troll is a bad strategy). Kind of luck reliant, but it has a pretty good win rate.

The Strategy

Treebeard. Just Treebeard.

What to Bring in From Sideboard

  • Forest Snare in quests with giant enemies or for !&*# Methedras Orc
  • Protecter of Lorien in quests with 6+ attack enemies. Goes on Erkenbrand
  • Power of Orthanc in quests with condition attachments

Starting hand

You'll want to mulligan for Treebeard, for the deck cannot attack without him. The only exception is for quests where you desperately need willpower fast (To Catch an Orc or The Antlered Crown for example), at which point Isengard Messanger and Celebrian's Stone are great.

Card Draw

This deck is pretty poor on card draw, but it's pretty well set once it has a couple of ents in play, so it doesn't need a lot. Gleowine is pretty consistant, and Deep Knowledge is good for thinning the deck. The Seeing Stone is used to retrieve Power of Orthanc in quests with bad conditions, or Legacy of Numenor if you want a bomb turn.

Resource Acceleration

Grima makes this deck super good. Some examples of what you can do:

  • 2 cost 2 attack allies with Silverlode Archer of Son of Arnor
  • 1 cost +2 willpower with Celebrian's Stone or Isengard Messanger
  • 2 cost 2 healing per turn with Daughter of the Nimrodel of Self Preservation
  • "Dooming Ent": 1 cost Booming Ent. 'Nuff said
  • Turn 1 Treebeard

Keys usually goes on Erkenbrand. But usually you'll play it on whoever needs it most. Legacy of Numenor isn't neccassary, just play it if it would allow you to play a bunch of cards.


Usually, questing for 8 with Eowyn, Grima, and an Isengard Messenger is enough. Once you get two Messengers in play, you can hold Grima back for "exhaust a hero" encounter card effects. Discard Booming Ent if you have Stand and Fight in hand.

Travel / Engagement

This deck has no location control, and too much threat in the staging area spells doom. Travel always. Engage often.


Erkenbrand is guaranteed to survive any attack from an enemy with 5 or less attack, as he can cancel shadows. Healing allows him to survive 6 or less by canceling any shadow, then applying the healing before resolving the attack. Orthanc Guard is there for enemies who make 1000 additional attacks or when Erkenbrand can't cancel shadow cards that cause enemies to make 1000 additional attacks. Treebeard can block in a pinch, as can the ents.


Kill it with ents. Math with damaged ents:

  • Treebeard: 4
  • Treebeard + 1 Booming Ent: 8
  • Treebeard + 2 Booming Ents: 14
  • Treebeard + 3 Booming Ents: 22

Yeah, ents are nuts.