Eagles with Beorn and special guest Radagast

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

saoooool 15

Mablung, Proud Hunters, and Horn of Gondor should increase the chances of quickly playing Radagast. The goal is give him Wizard Pipe, and then, when he is able to put a five cost card (perhaps another copy of himself) onto the top of the deck, he can play Flame of Anor for a +5 attack bonus.

Landroval can revive Beorn if he dies.


Sep 08, 2018 doomguard 2121

i would add "wait no longer" because of mablung it has big chance to get u one res , and its worth it. and at everymonodeck the monoitems are worth a thought, in this case Book of Eldacar can be used for menldors flight, eagels are coming and thicket of spears. instead of defender of ramas i would add either 3 feint (can be used with eldacar) or hallofbeorn.com