Mono-Sphere Decks for Against the Shadow

Adaepholn 173


A pair of mono-sphere decks I am hoping to use for Heirs of Numenor and Against the Shadow.

So far I have played Peril in Pelargir to great success and Into Ithilien to some success.

I'm using cards from the first 3 full cycles, OHaUH and the full LotR Saga.

Any feedback is welcome!


Dec 07, 2020 GreenWizard 323

Nice deck. Have you tried them in other cycles, or any nightmare quests?

Dec 07, 2020 GreenWizard 323

And I really like your mono-lore deck. Mono-lore decks can be really powerful.

Dec 08, 2020 Adaepholn 173


I haven't tried them against any other cycles yet - I expect they would be fine for Shadows of Mirkwood and most of Dwarrowdelf (the only other cycles I've got).

I haven't ever played any Nightmare scenarios but I don't imagine they would fare very well without significant changes for any particular Nightmare scenario.

It's my first time using Mithrandir's Advice - so far it seems very powerful. Combined with Damrod's ability I find I have plenty of cards in hand almost every round. I think Mono-Lore gets the best of the mono-sphere supporting cards in Against the Shadow overall.

Dec 08, 2020 GreenWizard 323

I agree.