Gríma’s Crüe of Doom
Thies 67
These are progression style decks with cards through the end of the Ringmaker cycle and The Road Darkens saga. Before moving on I wanted to give the doomed mechanic a try, despite the multiplayer challenges of it. Gríma is the basis of the decks. Although he looks a bit worn down and old, he’s really a young man who has just lived the hard heavy metal lifestyle. His crew (which he likes to think of as his Crüe) includes Aragorn for the obvious benefits of his ability. The third hero is Erkenbrand because 1) he’s new in this cycle, 2) he gives the deck a Rohan flavor (which I imagine has a bit of an unpleasant horse dung aftertaste), 3) I love shadow cancellation and 4) he looks very metal in his card art. The second deck was designed to be well rounded and able to cope with the doomed effects by having low starting threat and good threat reduction. I was surprised how effective this combo was against a variety of quests from this and prior cycles after only minor tinkering.
This is the first use of Gríma that I like.