It Takes Three to Cancel
Preotet 65
Fun gimmick I wanted to try out for a long time. Since the packs where the key cards can be found aren't sold out yet I decided to grab some more copies. Decks are low on characters on purpose. That means more room for key events and attachments and less cluter on the table (which is still a lot). I'm currently playing through Mirkwood cycle (Nightmare mode) and it's a blast. It's fun to throw out really damaging threacheries, nasty shadow effects, or annoying enemies. A nice revenge for all the previous pain and hardship. :) For example, on my last journey on the Anduin the poor encounter deck had only three cards left. If I had added the second set of Ranger Spikes to Galadriel's deck, it would have been zero cards. Games with these decks take time and are probably not everyone's cup of tea. But I'm enjoying them immensely and maybe someone else will, too.
I like how 2nd Deck has no MotK hero when just glance at it without clicking on it.