It Takes Three to Cancel

Preotet 65


Fun gimmick I wanted to try out for a long time. Since the packs where the key cards can be found aren't sold out yet I decided to grab some more copies. Decks are low on characters on purpose. That means more room for key events and attachments and less cluter on the table (which is still a lot). I'm currently playing through Mirkwood cycle (Nightmare mode) and it's a blast. It's fun to throw out really damaging threacheries, nasty shadow effects, or annoying enemies. A nice revenge for all the previous pain and hardship. :) For example, on my last journey on the Anduin the poor encounter deck had only three cards left. If I had added the second set of Ranger Spikes to Galadriel's deck, it would have been zero cards. Games with these decks take time and are probably not everyone's cup of tea. But I'm enjoying them immensely and maybe someone else will, too.


Mar 03, 2021 Truck 1479

I like how 2nd Deck has no MotK hero when just glance at it without clicking on it.

Mar 03, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Cool. I love decks like these. Too bad I don't have the cards to play it.

Mar 03, 2021 Truck 1479

@GreenWizard it is always depressing looking at, let's just say... The One Deck, and you just cry because it is epic and not in your card pool.

Mar 03, 2021 GreenWizard 323

It really is. I am going to get the Sagas next because they have some cool cards.

Mar 03, 2021 Preotet 65

Thanks guys for the comments. Now, after the deck is published, I see I forgot to add Scout Ahead and Gather Information side quests to the second deck. Dunno how that happened. It actually has 53 cards. It draws 2-4 cards a turn regularly so it's not a big deal.

Mar 03, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck I just favorite the decks that look cool. So when I get the cards I can just go back and try it. (when I get the cards) :(

Mar 03, 2021 doomguard 2221

out of the wild with 3 decks + keen as lances seems to be very fun! take that encounterdeck!

tell how carn dum worked. with leaving shadowcards in play and forrest snare, the encounterdeck could empty faster. would be interesting if its possible, to win this way

Mar 03, 2021 Preotet 65

Yeah, that quest could be either very fun or incredibly frustrating, heh. I'll try it later this week. Maybe I should pack 3 copies of The Great Hunt for the enemies in the staging area at the start and hope I draw it in my starting hand.

Mar 04, 2021 doomguard 2221

what do you think of this deck as 4.? it stars with thread 15 have out of the wild and keen as lances. in addition some secrecy-allies to get some willpower and attackforce on the field.

with drinkingsongs and hobbitpipes in addition to peace and thought there should be many carddraw to get much out of the wild out. they can be recycled with the scroll and the scroll can be recycled by the hammersmith.

on the way to emty every encounterdeck ^^

Mar 04, 2021 Preotet 65

Neat idea, worth a try. Haven't thought about using secrecy allies. But 4 cards per turn can get messy. There's no real defender in any of the decks. I'm trying out new configurations for harder quest with Beregond as the main defender.