best fighting 2
doomguard 2190
detaills for points and motivation see:
save 1. round:
- grimbeorn with rings has sentineldefense with 3 an attack with ability+ring of 8: 1,5 points
- erkenbrabd has sentineldefense with 3 + shadowcancelling: 1,5 points
- bard attack of 5: 1 Point
save 1. round 4 Points
possible 1. round
- armored destrider + shield on Erkenbrand + (average)1 cram 1 sentinel with def 4 +shadowcancelling 1,5 points
- feint 1 point
- rohan warhorse on Bard 0,5 point
3 points
round 3 possible
- bard warhorse +2 weapons 2 attacks str 7+ 2 points
- grimbeorn with armored +shield +warning or raiment trigger his ability up to twice: 4 points
- erkenbrand armored destrider + 2 shields(gondorian and golden) or ancestral armor. 2 sentinel defenses with shadowcanceling 3 points
- feint or hold your ground 1 Point
- hands opon the bow 1 point
11 points
overall: 18 points
flaw: starts with 30+ thread and loose at 45
- round save:
- beregond sentinel str 4 + shadwocancelling 2 points
- aragorn + merry 1 str 5 att + (if kill) 1 str 4 att 1,5 points
- beregond miruvor 0,5 point
- weapon to aragorn, warhorse to merry 1 point (aragorn can engage after kill)
5 points
round 3 possible:
- bergegond + shield + courage + miruvor or ally +cloak behing strong walls or hold your ground 4 points
- merry 2 horses, aragorn 2 weapons (additional angages) 3
- feint 1 point
8 points
overall 13 points