Progression 8: Khazâd-Dûm
bobbymcbobface 724
Time for part 8, the first deluxe box of the Progression Series! Last time, I brought Gollum to King Thranduil in Return to Mirkwood and managed to pull off the challenge for that quest. (For more information on that see here:
Starting now, while still adhering to the rules for my progression series, I will also be trying as much as possible to make thematic decks with minor deviations. This is the way I like to play the most, so this should definitely provide an extra layer of challenge as my card pool deepens.
This time, I will be attempting to beat the three quests in the Khazad-Dum box while also completing at least one challenge for each quest. To see the full rules for my progression series see the first fellowship here:
Today's challenges:
Into the Pit:
- Use the Cave Torch objective every round, if possible.
The Seventh Level:
- Stage 2A gains, "When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Cave Troll and add it to the staging area if able.
- Stage 2B gains, "The players cannot win while there are more than X enemies in play, where X is one less than the number of players in the game."
Flight from Moria:
- Clear at least five quest stage 2 cards.
Please feel free to leave any comment or challenge suggestion for the next pack, as I approach The Redhorn Gate!