Progression 22: The Black Riders
bobbymcbobface 724
It's time for part 22 of the Progression Series, The Black Riders! Last time, I aided in the recapture of the ancient capital of Gondor. For more information on that see here: (
This time, I will be attempting to beat the three quests of The Black Riders box while also completing a challenge for each quest. To see the full rules for my progression series see the first fellowship here:
Today's challenges:
Shadow of the Past: Stealthy Escape - Win the game without failing a single Hide test.
A Knife in the Dark The Nine are Upon Us! - Win the game after defeating at least nine Nazgûl enemies through the course of the game.
Flight to the Ford The Strength of Rivendell - Discard the Witch-King using the ability on the Fords of Bruinen.
Please feel free to leave any comment or challenge suggestion for the next challenge, as I face the penultimate adventure pack of the Against the Shadow cycle, The Blood of Gondor!
Updates thus far: Earned Gandalf's Delay and Gildor Inglorion from A Shadow of the Past, and Noble Hero on Pippin and Skilled Healer on Aragorn in A Knife in the Dark.