The Fellowship of the Ring


Based on my two decks for the Mirkwood adventures I built a fellowship to play "The Followship of the Ring". The decks are not yet tuned and a lot of choices are made because I want to test cards. In general:

  • "3 copies of one card" means I want to consistently see copies of this card. They are essential to what I want to do with the deck.
  • "2 copies of one card" means that the card is consistently good in this deck and helps me to solve situations.
  • "1 copy of one card" means that either I don't want to draw more than one copy or I am experimenting with this card.

I really like the "one copy" approach since it means that for non-crucial cards I see a variety in the game and I can adapt my play style and road to victory depending on the draw. Beorn, Dagger of Westernesse, Galadriel, and Steed of Imladris are examples of this approach.

It is fairly obvious how the two decks interact: "Stand and Fight" is there to attack and defend (mostly) while "Lead the Way" is for strong questing and to support both decks with buffs and equipment. I used a variation of these two decks to play the Mirkwood adventures and they served me well. Bringing in Lanwyn for DĂșnhere improved the hero lineup quite a bit as DĂșnhere's ability was sitting in the deck more than it was used.

Granted, attacking in the staging area is strong, but I mostly wanted to engage enemies instead if leaving them in the staging area. However, this is currently a weak spot since I cannot efficiently deal with enemies who remain in the staging area (other than Gandalf's direct damage and Argalad slowly chipping away points).