The Last Last Alliance of Elves and Men
Pirate Brahm 1081
The Last Last Alliance of Elves and Men is a Fellowship I use for two-handed solo play. It consists of an Erestor engine Noldor deck that provides powerful questing allies and healing with the help of its key hero, Elrond, and his family. The second deck uses Prince Imrahil and Denethor's wealth to provide solid combat support with some big allies of its own.
Location control can be a weakness, though, so I threw a few sideboard recommendations in the Noldor deck. The sideboard in the Combat deck includes attachments that will be handy for the Alliance, so swap them out as instructed in the deck description.
Both decks can play well with other constructions if you want to break the fellowship, though the combat deck does lack the questing power needed to stand on its own. The Noldor deck, however, is powerful on its own.